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R&D Update by Rob Oakley

This month in the R&D department has seen the arrival of the CVB2 prototype boards from China.

Kendall our electronics engineer is in the process of testing the design to make sure it functions.

Manny our engineering tech in the workshop has the final piece for assembling the new timing stack. For those who don’t know, the new timing stack is the latest revision of the timer. It is a scalable product that can either be set up as a basic system all the way through to a full 12 loop multi-monitor system.

The last stage of this project is to build an enclosure to house the electronics. Kendall has also finished the design of the remote receivers for the monitors and ready to go to the prototype stage.

Joining the team this month is John Ewing, based in the US. He will be heading up the software design team to create the new Summit timer software platform. John comes to the team with previous experience in the QSR industry.

Simon our technical manager has been testing the new Quail headset system in-house with good results. Looking to do field tests in the coming months.